When a large equestrian practice arena in Saanich, Vancouver Island faced a disruptive and messy issue caused by a colony of ravens roosting in its roof trusses, the owner reached out to DeTurd Bird Control for help. By implementing a humane and effective solution using bird spikes and netting, DeTurd Bird Control successfully resolved the
Pigeons might seem like harmless urban wildlife scavenging around for breadcrumbs, but when winter hits, these birds can turn into a property owner’s nightmare. Known for their resilience and boldness, pigeons don’t shy away from cozying up to buildings to escape the cold. When they do, they bring unsanitary messes, property damage, and potential health
When it comes to running a business or managing a commercial property, cleanliness and safety are two critical priorities. But there’s one hazardous issue often overlooked until it becomes unmanageable—pigeon droppings. The impact of pigeon poop for Vancouver area businesses extends beyond just being an unsightly nuisance. It poses genuine health risks and can leave
Keeping pigeons and similar birds away from your property is a means of ensuring the safety of anyone on the premises. Birds and bird droppings can carry over 60 illnesses. If you run a business or own a property, one of your responsibilities is to protect those on your property by scheduling bird removal service.
Do you run a business or manage a property in Vancouver, British Columbia? If so, you know that pigeons and similar birds can be abundant in our area. Keeping them away from your business is critical for many reasons, several of which this blog will cover. Luckily, there are plenty of humane ways of guarding
If you run a business or manage a property in Vancouver, you know that as dynamic and vibrant as this city is, it’s also home to its fair share of pigeons and similar birds. Unfortunately, if pigeons have decided to make your property their home, you may face a range of headaches. First of all,
Pigeons and other birds can be a major nuisance if you own a business or manage a property in the Vancouver, BC area. Their presence doesn’t simply turn a property into an eyesore that drives away customers and makes the wrong impression on passersby. Birds can also genuinely put the health of anyone on your
Do you own a business or manage a property in the Vancouver, BC area? If so, you know how important curb appeal can be. Regardless of how much effort you put into offering quality service, if passersby get the wrong impression of your business based on what they see from the street, they’ll be less
Do you own or manage a commercial or industrial property in Vancouver, BC? If so, it may come as no secret to you that pigeons flock to such properties throughout the city. Unfortunately, their presence is much more than a nuisance. It can actually play a significant role in the success of your business. This