• Do you only get rid of birds or do you do other pest control?

    Just birds. That is all we do.

  • Are bird spikes and bird trapping humane?

    By its very nature, trapping doesn’t involve harming birds. On the contrary, it involves providing them with food and water, before trained experts remove them carefully and safely.

    Bird spikes allow you to keep birds away without hurting them. When birds encounter the spikes, they simply fly away immediately.

    This is also worth keeping in mind if you believe employees or customers will notice your bird removal efforts. If they ask how you managed to rid your property of these unwanted pests, it’s important that you be able to explain the humane method you opted for. This can play a key role in helping you maintain a positive reputation. See our blog post regarding our humane approach.

  • What about seagulls?

    Pigeons, starlings, and house sparrows are non-native pest birds and can be legally removed from your facility or building.

    Seagulls, however, are a protected species and cannot be removed if they have nests with eggs. Call us for some solutions.