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What You Need to Know About Bird Spikes

Do you own a business or manage a property in the Vancouver, BC area? If so, you know how important curb appeal can be. Regardless of how much effort you put into offering quality service, if passersby get the wrong impression of your business based on what they see from the street, they’ll be less


How to Get Rid of Pigeons and Sparrows

CASE STUDY: Rogers Group Financial, West Broadway, Vancouver 2 Pest Bird Problems: Cleaning pigeon mess and preventing access to air conditioning; Removing house sparrows from parking area. Pigeons and Sparrows: The RGF building had about 12 pigeons living in the mechanical enclosure on the south facing upper patio. There was so much pigeon crap on


5 Points to Understanding Pesty Pigeon Control:

5 Points to Understanding Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, & Surrey Pigeon Control Do you have one or two pigeons frequenting your building or facility? Can you see pigeon droppings on your property? Take action! Do not wait, it will only get worse! If pigeon control action is taken, your property will be pigeon proofed indefinitely. Vancouver,



IS PIGEON SHOOTING EFFECTIVE IN VANCOUVER? 9 questions about shooting pigeons and other pest birds. In most cases airgun shooting of pest birds is the last bird control option. At Deturd Bird Control we believe non-lethal bird control methods should tried first. Deturd BC also insists airgun shooting of pigeons and pest birds is conducted



BIRD TRAPPING Are there pigeons on your building?As soon as you notice birds congregating on your building immediately start a program to deter them from making your building their home. The sooner pest birds are gone the lower the cost you will incur and less damage to your building. Honestly, we are not saying this


CASE STUDY: Pigeons Nesting

CASE STUDY: Pigeons Nesting on Signage and Water Tower Red Truck Beer Company of 1st Ave, Vancouver, BC, had a population of pigeons living on the signature 60 foot high water tower on the south side of the brewery. The water tower has the brewery’s Red Truck signage. The water tower is also positioned on


Case Study Part 2: Pigeon Problem

Case Study Part 2: Pigeon Problem CASE STUDY: Broadway Plaza, West Broadway, Vancouver, loading bay and underground parking areas. Note: Pigeons are non native pests that can legally be destroyed or trapped.  It is legal use humane measures to stop pigeons from roosting and nesting on your property. Problem: Broadway Plaza had from pigeons living over


Case Study Part 1: Canada Geese

Case Study Part 1: Canada Geese Note: Canada Geese are a native bird and protected species. The geese cannot be killed, trapped or harassed. However, it is legal to use preventative measures to stop geese from roosting and nesting on your property. Broadway Plaza on West Broadway, Vancouver, suffered bird problems from two species: Canada