Regardless of the nature of your Vancouver, BC business, the presence of birds can be a major source of frustration. Birds can even prevent your business from growing and thriving.

Flocks of pigeons and other birds detract from a property’s curb appeal. They leave droppings as well. This doesn’t just make a property look ugly. It makes it appear unsanitary. Most people won’t want to visit a business if they feel just being on the property will expose them to germs.

Those who do visit or work at your business also won’t have the most pleasant experience they can if birds are around in large numbers. They make a lot of noise, and according to thorough research, that type of noise usually causes people to feel stressed and anxious.

These are all reasons to keep birds away. However, deterring birds from your property can be a challenge if they’ve already built a nest or two (or more!) on it. Birds often stick around certain properties for this very reason. Even if you install deterrents, they may still try to get back to their nest if it’s already on your property.

That’s why we at DeTurd Bird Control Solutions offer nest removal services to Vancouver property and business owners. We’ll solve your bird problem by addressing the cause.

Pigeon Control Vancouver BC


Bird nest removal isn’t a job you can handle on your own. It’s important to hire experts when you need to remove bird nests from your property. The following are key reasons why:

  • SAFETY: Bird droppings tend to be particularly abundant around nests. If you don’t have the proper training and equipment, you could expose yourself to illness by trying to remove a nest yourself.
  • PERMITS: Depending on the circumstances, it’s sometimes necessary to acquire permits before removing bird nests. Our experts know how to secure the required approvals
  • COMFORT: Birds may not be the only pests living in a nest. It’s not uncommon for fleas and bed bugs to also make a bird nest their home. Thus, if you were to try to remove one on your own, these bugs could hitch a ride on your clothes, resulting in major discomfort later.


At DeTurd Bird Control Solutions, we don’t just remove immediately noticeable nests and consider the job done. Our approach is much more thorough. It includes:

  • Continual removal of nests, particularly during spring and summer, to help reduce populations.
  • Humane, discreet, and professional removal that adheres to wildlife guidelines for flock reduction and dispersal.
  • Scheduled building inspections and roof walks for nest removal. This is especially important during mating season on buildings with large flat roofs, like shopping malls. Often during mating season weekly roof walks and inspections are needed

We take these measures to ensure we deliver the best possible results for our Vancouver area customers. If you have a bird nest problem, DeTurd has the solution.

Note: Seagulls are a protected species.

Pigeons at Granville Island