When a large equestrian practice arena in Saanich, Vancouver Island faced a disruptive and messy issue caused by a colony of ravens roosting in its roof trusses, the owner reached out to DeTurd Bird Control for help. By implementing a humane and effective solution using bird spikes and netting, DeTurd Bird Control successfully resolved the
CASE STUDY: Waste Transfer Station Pest Bird Problem: Prevent pigeons and other birds from perching in transfer bays. Solution 1: Install bird exclusion netting overhead. Solution 2: Install bird spikes above each loading bay doorway.
7 FACTS ABOUT PIGEONS THAT MAY BE NEW TO YOU It seems like pigeons are in every city around the world. And it is no wonder! This bird is capable of raising to 10 chicks per year and feeds on practically anything that humans discard, which has led them to overpopulate our cities. Their droppings
CASE STUDY: Rogers Group Financial, West Broadway, Vancouver 2 Pest Bird Problems: Cleaning pigeon mess and preventing access to air conditioning; Removing house sparrows from parking area. Pigeons and Sparrows: The RGF building had about 12 pigeons living in the mechanical enclosure on the south facing upper patio. There was so much pigeon crap on
Case Study: Jysk Home Furnishings, Scott Rd, Surrey, BC, Canada JSYK, on Scott Road in Surrey, B.C., had pigeons infesting their patio furniture area which was undercover but outside. Pigeons were nesting in warehouse shelving that contained patio chairs and outside furniture. The pigeon nests were often causing total loss of some furniture. Furniture could