At Deturd Bird Control we can and will remove pigeon, seagulls and other pest birds from your building. It is important to understand that is often several combined efforts that make birds leave and not come back.

The illustration of a person renting an apartment is like pigeons living on a building. When the tenant moves into an apartment it is quiet and comfortable. Then a neighbour has an occasional all-night party, the tenant doesn’t like it, but tolerates it. Then some thieves move in, cars are broken into several times. Again, the tenant doesn’t like it but tolerates the thieves. Finally, a drummer from a local rock band moves in and practices every day. The tenant can’t tolerate the pounding noise! It is the straw that broke the camel’s back. The tenant moves and does not come back.

The same principle applies to bird control. The environment must be come so uncomfortable that the pigeons or seagulls or crows leave and don’t come back. It often requires using a combination of several bird control methods that forces the birds to move out!

  1. Bird netting that prevents birds from nesting and roosting in a particular area. For example: A roof above a loading bay often has pigeons roosting on beams and pipes, leaving a mess on the vehicles below. A roof top air-conditioning enclosure attracts pigeons and seagulls nesting.
  2. Bird repelling spikes or sticky gel placed in bird roosting areas. The spikes or gel will prevent pigeons, seagulls or crows from roosting in their favorite areas. For example, along pipes or beams.
  3. Trapping birds. Bird trapping is effective in removing pigeons. A large cage trap with bird seed and water is placed in the area where the pigeon’s nest, roost or feed. It is a simple trap with a swing door. The pigeon walks in the trap and starts eating the bird seed and water. The pigeon does not notice that it can not escape and is happy with the food. Often one pigeon in a cage will attract other pigeons and within several hours a trap will catch 4-5 birds. Daily traps are serviced by a bird control personnel, birds are removed, and seed and water replenished. In a period of 1 month many pigeons are removed and the pigeon population leans this location is dangerous and avoids the building. It is legal to trap pigeons and house sparrows as these are non-native pests. Seagulls are protected and cannot be trapped or killed.
  4. Pigeon removal by air gun. A licensed, highly trained and practiced air gun marksman can eliminate pigeons quickly and most humanely. Often only bird elimination, 4 visits in one month, can eliminate resident pigeons, starlings and house sparrows. Pigeons, starlings and house sparrows are non-native pests that can be legally eliminated. By using a comced shooter pigeons can be removed from many locations: aircraft hangers, industrial sites, underground parking, pigeons inside buildings, etc. Air guns can not be used in outdoor residential areas.

By applying these methods, in a short time, the pigeons, starlings, sparrows and other pest birds will be gone! 

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